HARN 3DMed supports 3D files and 3D models.

21 February 2019

HARN 3DMed supports 3D files and 3D models of heart or veins to Songklanagarind Heart Center, Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University to aid in planning of operation or to aid in educational. Hence, the Heart Center performed Live case transmission to demonstrate an operation in Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) to the seminar: CSI Asia-Pacific 2019 Guangzhou, China (https://www.csi-congress.org/csi-asia-pacific.php) on 24 February 2019.

The Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) is an abnormal by birth which would not show any symptoms, however, in the first year of the new born, infant may have difficulties in breathing and show some slow improvement. In the long run, if uncured, the infant may have heart attack.

Ductus Arteriosus (DA) are common veins in mother’s womb which normally will be closed after birth. Ductus Arteriosus that exist (PDA) are veins that still left open in patent and formed blood flow channel between main Arteries in chest which are aorta (AO) and pulmonary artery (PA) which are commonly found in new born that has breathing difficulties such as low Oxygen in blood and also found in premature babies. In the case that infants have low Oxygen in blood level,

it was caused by the lungs received insufficient of Oxygen to produce sufficient bradykinin to stimulate the closure of DA. For premature babies, a chance of low Oxygen level in blood is high because the lungs and heart are now fully developed.