HARN announced Business Performance of Quarter 1/2018

31 May 2018

Illustrates the Annual General Meeting and Business Direction in Opportunity Day of Quarter 1/2018. Harn Engineering Solutions Public Company Limited, led by Mr. Wirat Sukchai, Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Thammanoon Tripetchr, Managing Director, Digital Printing Unit and Mr.Wisit Wachiralappaitoon, Chief Finance Officer on 30 May 2018 at Room 603, Stock Exchange of Thailand.

The performance of Quarter 1/2018 showed Net Income of 314.36 million Baht and Gross Profit of 28.61 million Baht which grew year on year from Quarter 1/2017 5.5% and 9.58% respectively. The forecast of performance of Quarter 2/2018 is positive with continuous growth which is resulted from new biddings and contracts of multiple projects.

“In 2018, the company focus to build more customers based in foreign countries such as Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. We implemented to increase innovation, started at the beginning of this year with a launch of HARN 3DMed: a digital printing in medical and biological that can create a replica of patients’ organs in order to plan for medical treatment and recovery effectively. It started with installation, training of the 3D printing, 3D-BIO PLOTTER, to doctors at Medical Innovations Development Center : MIND Center of Rama Hospital in late May..”.

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